
What is Piano or Piano Keyboard?

Yash Sahu

Hello there, curious minds! Ever ponder over the fascinating world of pianos? Prepare yourself for an amazing journey as we explore the mysteries of this amazing musical instrument, the piano!

What is Piano? 


Picture a large, exquisite box full of keys that, when pressed, produce enchanted sounds. The piano is that! It is comparable to having an entire symphony at your disposal. However, are you aware of how it all began?

The Amazing History of the Piano

The initial piano was created long ago by a brilliant man by the name of Bartolomeo Cristofori. Unlike the ancient harpsichord, which could only be played by plucking strings, the new piano could produce thunderous roars or quiet whispers, depending on how it was played. Nice, huh?

Come with Me Inside.

Let's now lift the piano's lid and have a look inside. What is visible? White and black key rows are reminiscent of a zebra's stripes! Beautiful music is produced when a key is pressed, causing a tiny hammer to spring up and strike internal strings.

Piano Playing: Hints & Techniques

Okay, so tell me how to play this fantastic instrument. The following advice will help you get started:

Assume the role of a superhero and sit at the piano with pride. With your shoulders back and hands poised to conquer the keys, take a straight stance.

Fingers Are Companionship: Like tiny dancers, wiggle your fingers. On the keys, each finger has a specific function. Try easily adjusting them to play your favorite music.

Both quiet and loud: Gently press the keys.

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